eyelash - traduction vers Anglais
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eyelash - traduction vers Anglais

Eyelashes; Eye lash

(n.) = pestaña
Ex: Subjects pulled hair from a variety of sites, including scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic region, face, and body.
* not bat an eyelash = no inmutarse, no pestañear, ni inmutarse, ni pestañear, quedarse tan fresco
n. eyelash curlers


Your eyelashes are the hairs which grow on the edges of your eyelids.
N-COUNT: usu pl



An eyelash (also called lash) (Latin: Cilia) is one of the hairs that grows at the edge of the eyelids. It grows in one layer on the edge of the upper and lower eyelids. Eyelashes protect the eye from debris, dust, and small particles and perform some of the same functions as whiskers do on a cat or a mouse in the sense that they are sensitive to being touched, thus providing a warning that an object (such as an insect) is near the eye (which then closes reflexively).

The Ancient Greek word for eyelash is βλέφαρον (transliterated as blepharon), which is seen as a root in biological terms like Blephara.

Exemples de prononciation pour eyelash
1. long eyelashes.
Google Goes Gaga _ Lady Gaga _ Talks at Google
2. we have eyelashes, physically.
My Breast Cancer Journey _ Heidi Floyd _ Talks at Google
3. helped me with the eyelashes.
My Breast Cancer Journey _ Heidi Floyd _ Talks at Google
4. your eyelashes, Heidi.
My Breast Cancer Journey _ Heidi Floyd _ Talks at Google
5. dwelling on your eyelashes,
Exemples du corpus de texte pour eyelash
1. I wasn‘t sure you‘d remember." "Oh I remember." Cue much eyelash–fluttering, lip–trembling and bottom–wiggling.
2. Caught in the corner of my eye, this monotonous action was like an irritating eyelash obscuring my vision.
3. That is why today he can say the opposite of what he said yesterday, without batting an eyelash.
4. Now it was shot–blasted with little black pits and bumps and curious scratches no bigger than an eyelash.
5. And a Sherwood man, Daniel Williams, who recorded the longest eyelash, at 2 inches, in June 2005.